Tag Drilldowns
You can open up a tag drilldown by clicking the name of a tag anytime you see it pop up, such as in the detailed view of a record. This view allows you to better understand how this tag is being used at a glance, via a few factors:
Summary: At the top, you'll see a summary of how often this tag has been used for all time, as well as its most recent use. This can help you identify whether a tag may be outdated. Clicking on the number or date will zoom you out to a search with just that relevant filter applied.
Tag Editing Functions: On the left-hand side you have 3 editing functions available 1) editing the tag label 2) updating the tag color 3) moving the tag label to a different group. This is an alternative way to edit tags vs. Tag Management.
Source Tags: This will show all tags linked to the tag label. Any time a non-Frame tag is part of the Source tags section, a warning will be displayed to the user that this label cannot be removed from any records either by the user or by a Frame bot.
Add Tag to Filter: Clicking this will simply filter your current search by this tag, but will keep any other restrictions you've set intact (I.e. date range, message, etc.).
Frequently Co-occurring Tags: This view is great for understanding what other topics/problems people tend to have based on the current tag.
Recent Uses: This shows you the most recent applications of a tag; clicking on one will allow you to drill down into the specific record where this was applied.
Updated almost 2 years ago