Search Filter Explanations

List of Filter Parameters

date range (required)Restricts activity to the specified date range. Required selections
- Group by (Days, Weeks, Months)
- Start Date
- End Date
Group by: 'Weeks'
Start Date: 'May 1st 2020'
End Date: 'May 14th 2020'
End date activity is included in the search results. Only particular start and end dates can be selected when grouping by Weeks or Months (the rest of the dates will show as greyed out)
isAllows you to see all messages that have been tagged with a specific,is:seenNote that archived conversations are hidden by default, so the only way to see them in your view is to include the filter is:archived
sourceSpecifies a data source. Useful for domains that have multiple data sources.Intercom, ZendeskSlack sources also have a specific code, so don't be surprised if you select your company's workspace name and it changes to a string of numbers and letters.
source.idThe original ticket/case ID from any data source.This will not autocomplete -- paste in the desired value.
orgA domain based on the email addresses of a participant in an is not based on "company" as defined in some CRMs.
contactA name or email address of a participant in an, Alex MacCawThis includes customers, agents, bots, and unknown roles.
tagA tag on the exchange itself, participants in the exchange, or companies in the exchange.Refunds, VIP,RiskThis includes tags applied in a source system, manually applied tags in Frame, and auto-tags in Frame.
tag.groupA group of tags as defined in Frame's Tag Management section.Cancellation Feedback
messageA word or phrase.upgrade, "delivery order confirmed"Text search, including phrases, is automatically a fuzzy match.
message.{role}A word or phrase spoken by a customer.message.customer:help me message.agent:* message.system:dmcaAllows wildcard character * to find any message by a member of that role.
message.{role}.exactAn exact match to text (not including punctuation). Bypasses Frame's default fuzzy matching.
startRestricts activity to exchanges where the first message included the specified phrase. This returns a fuzzy match (I.e. searching for "happy" would pull up synonyms for "happy" as well).start:found a bug, start:having trouble with, start:feedback
start.exactAn exact match to text (not including punctuation). Bypasses Frame's default fuzzy matching (I.e. searching for "happy" would not return any synonyms for "happy").
start.{role}Returns the same thing as start, but further filtered by conversations started by a person in a particular role (customer, agent, system).start.agent:new feature start.system:unsubscribe start.customer:*Allows wildcard character * to find any message by a member of that role that initiated the exchange.
start.{role}.exactReturns the same thing as start.exact, but further filtered by conversations started by a person in a particular role (customer, agent, system).
textA legacy feature currently redundant with message