
To configure a breakdown, you can go to Configure --> Breakdowns from the sidebar. You will see all the breakdowns that are available in your domain.


In the breakdown table, you see

  • List of all breakdowns and their descriptions
  • "Add Breakdown" button that lets you create a new breakdown
  • "Type" column indicates whether a breakdown is a frame-managed default or a custom breakdown specific to your data. Frame-managed breakdowns cannot be edited, but you can make a copy to customize them
  • Breakdown actions - Edit, Copy, and Delete icons

Breakdown Configuration

Click edit next to a breakdown to view it's configuration. In the example below we are viewing a Frame Keywords breakdown


  • Breakdown Name: Name of the breakdown. This can be edited for custom breakdowns
  • Breakdown ID: Define ID of the breakdown. Once defined, this can no longer be modified
  • Description: Add/Edit a description for the breakdown

Breakdown Definition


Breakdown Type: Choose between the following breakdowns

  • Record: View scores broken down by each record
  • Agent: View scores broken down by frame-detected agents in the records
  • Guest: View scores broken down by speaking individual customers detected in the records
  • Guest Org: View scores broken down by customer accounts detected in the records
  • Tag; View scores broken down by one or more tags or tag groups

When Breakdown Type = Tag, the following fields are also available:

  • Tag groups to include: Select one or more tag groups
  • Tags to exclude: Choose tags to exclude from this breakdown
  • Additional tags to include: add one or more tags to your breakdown